Simple Green Cheese Tart
An ancestor of modern cheesecakes in both the Four Realms’ universe and ours
General information about unique foods of the Middle Kingdoms and the food cultures of the Four Realms
An ancestor of modern cheesecakes in both the Four Realms’ universe and ours
A choice autumnal sweet based on two favorite North Arlene fruits
High heat, flavored oils and lively spicery elevate the apparently lowly cabbage into something special
A classic Brightwood recipe for the Autumn-feast period: roast venison marinated in vinegar, red wine and seasonal vegetables and spices
A hearty and substantial beef and vegetable pie starring traditional Steldene spicery
Possibly the Kingdoms’ favorite bread: a simple pan-regional accompaniment to all kinds of meals and snacks
A favorite addition to cold-meat and snack platters all over the Four Realms
From country to city: a rural fisherman’s dish reworked as a high-table delicacy
Tavern-style “fast food” from southeastern Darthen
A seasonal starter popular all over the Kingdoms. Simple seasonings, elegantly used…
Also known as “Gardener’s Revenge:” a tasty aftermath to rural pest control
An early-season salad with dark savory reminders of the autumn just past
A dessert option in the Darthene style for out-of-season or slightly tired apples
A much-loved late-spring and early-summer side dish
“Fast food” the way they do it in the Wood during the vintaging season: spit-roasted chicken in a rich wine-based gravy
A favorite way with country-style homemade noodles, devised centuries ago in the Steldene saffron-crocus regions.
Sweet, tart, and a little salty: a fried side dish with a difference
A basic approach to rough puff pastry as it’s made in the Four Realms
A popular preservation strategy with a sweet and tasty outcome
The “high-table” version of a Darthene midlands favorite
In Arlen, no Spring Festival is complete without these ubiquitous fried pastries