Master recipe listing

The work table

Listed below are the planned recipes and general-information articles that will appear in Food and Cooking of the Middle Kingdoms.

Please note that these listings are a work in progress, and will change as the project progresses. The final print cookbook will contain at least the recipes below, as well as a similar number of articles on the general MK food scene, as well as more material not included in the online site. 

Recipes are tagged with the initials of the book or short work in which they appear. Recipes presently in progress and soon to be posted are listed under the “In prep” tab.

If you have a request for a recipe for food you’ve seen in one of the MK books, or another query, please use the site’s comment form to let us know. Thanks!

  • Berry-peppers: dark, yellow, climbing green (Piper nigrum, P. aureum medioregnis, P. scandens medioregnis)
  • Butternut (Butyrospermum medioregnis sp.)
  • Cáladain / sweetbark (Cinnamomum delibrens)
  • Green citron (Citrus ichangensis medioregnis)
  • Sweetrush / Honey-rush (Saccharum phragmitus medioregnis)
  • Kálapan / groundnut (Conopodium majus medioregnis sp.)
  • Kilce (Cydonia medioregna)
  • Metahnë / weeproot (Armoracia rusticana)
  • Mintgrass (Mentha diemenica medioregnis)
  • Telcametë / sweetroot (Bunium megacastanum)
  • Versary berry (Synsepalum conversalis medioregnis)
  • Whitefruit (Capsicum albifructans sp.)
  • Yellow citron (Citrus medica)

These recipes either (a) have not yet been cooked but have a writeup in progress, or (b) have been cooked but don’t yet have a completed writeup.

  • Stuffed Sweet Cabbage with Smoked Pork, River-Rice and Leeks (TOTF2)
  • Black Vinegar-Braised Bacon Chops (TOTF3)
  • White Beans with Smoked Lamb and Long Pepper Goosefat Gravy (TDISu)
  • Lamb in Sour Blackberry Sauce (TDISu)